film photography
Penang Weekend Trip Film Photoblog
July 10, 2018
Last weekend the boys and I headed up north to the beautiful island of Penang for a wedding and also because it has been some time since these boys actually took a break from their hectic work schedule. The first stop was the site of the upcoming IKEA Penang which Abang has been working on for some time now. After that we chilled for awhile before preparing for the wedding which sadly I did not have any photos from my film camera (big regret).
As FIFA season was going on, the boys were so energized after a long evening to stay up for the matches whereas I was tired as hell to even stay on. The next day was followed by a tour by Abang as he brought me and 4 more monkeys around the island. I tried my best to include everyone in the photos but as you can see, it's hard to do so with one already blocking his face in two photos (collage below) and most of them here and there, everywhere.
My favourite shots from this trip has got to be the ones in Chinahouse where the boys played with Jenga while I completed my art submission for an ongoing mini competition at the cafe. The cakes also look amazing on film and I am missing the cakes already!! Can't wait to go on another short trip!!

Canon WP-1 : Fujifilm Superia 200
Developed at Bang Bang Geng, Publika