Monthly Journal: October 2017

The first weekend of October started with me and Ninja Bears participating in a dodgeball competition after what seems like an eternity....

Monthly Journal October 2017

The first weekend of October started with me and Ninja Bears participating in a dodgeball competition after what seems like an eternity. It was not an easy feat to work those sleepy muscles out of a sudden to duck, dodge, jump, and throw. Even so, had a lot of fun playing dodgeball again, especially when your team mates are all so nice and cute:

Dodgeball UCSI 2017

Thank goodness the competition lasted a day only. However, I was to be at a sneaker event on Sunday to work for a few hours. Lo and behold, we ditched the idea to drive to KLCC because parking is expensive and traffic is bad there. So we parked at Pavilion and walked to KLCC via the bridge which was a pain in the tuts because it was just a day after the competition and my muscles have not recovered. Anyway here are some really bad, underexposed photos taken at the SneakerLAH event:

Kuala Lumpur Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200Kuala Lumpur Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Sneakerlah 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Sneakerlah 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Sneakerlah 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Sneakerlah 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Sneakerlah 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200

It was this night that I had some problems with my Spotmatic after attempting this shot below in the Bulb mode for the first time. As I get super paranoid at anything that happens to my camera, I was freaking out at this one because I didn't know if I gave it permanent damage boom or not. Pretty picture by the way.

Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200

The following weekend was one that I was looking forward to the most. It was the Art Expo and it was my very first time to one! There were a lot of people there and mostly, weren't really there for the art. I think because it's a free admission event hence the truckload of humans present there just to join in the hype. Here is another stretch of badly taken photos on my Spotmatic (got it fixed at Bang Bang Geng before heading over to the Art Expo) and sure-perfect-smartphone shots:

The Bee Publika Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
The Bee Publika Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Martrade Art Expo 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Martrade Art Expo 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Martrade Art Expo 2017 Pentax Spotmatic Agfa Vista 200
Martrade Art Expo 2017
Martrade Art Expo 2017
Martrade Art Expo 2017

Pentax Spotmatic
Agfa Vista 200
Developed by Bang Bang Geng


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