Graduation 2.0

FINALLY GRADUATED! Will be missing every single bit of my university years! Met so many amazing and wonderful people throughout thi...

UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016

FINALLY GRADUATED! Will be missing every single bit of my university years! Met so many amazing and wonderful people throughout this journey and without it, I wouldn't have met Underwater Squad, Abang, and the fun and helpful lecturers from the ELC department!
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Drowning in everyone's love, thank you ♥

Though I have to credit my Kenting-burnt tan skin for allowing me to look a lil more like Pocahontas, it saddens to feel so unprepared for this big day. Due to the fact that my graduation day was a day after touching down from Taiwan, I had little sleep time as I had to pack all the necessary things for the convocation and totally forgotten on inviting other friends to attend. Truth to be told I was super tired by the end of it but nevertheless happy yappy yappy yeahhhh~

UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Missing my older brother but it's okay, I know he got my back, uh huh!

Many thanks to my family for allowing me the chance to pursue my tertiary education and also for not pressuring me on my studies because they know I won't screw this up like how I did in my SPM because I cannot process science in my brain AND because there is no other course in the world, or Malaysia in that sense, that interests me as much as English Language and Communication does. Thanks for not asking too much about my assignments and pretending you all understand when I talk about syntax, varieties and explaining about my final project on female autonomy. I love you all still 💗

UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
My Tamil language teacher and a kutty that I heart a lot.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
From left: Me, Nadia the organized, Isabell the artistic, Vivienne the creative, Joan the courageous, and Suba the motivator.

Thank you to my Underwater Squad, you guys definitely make university life much more crazier and fun. I am truly grateful for the sarcastic and also sincere encouragements, lame jokes, bad puns, illegal class skipping times, snacking times, lunch times, Gading times etc. and of course, our friendship. Thank you for these great 4 years! 💗

UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Top: With the course mates, graduated seniors, and friends from other faculties.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Clockwise from top left: With Cheryl-kins, our sister from another faculty. | With Abang whom I met during university dodgeball. | Vivienne, my first university friend and special girl in my heart. | Vivienne and I with the ever good-looking Chang.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Underwater Squad with Ridhwan, Kuman's dad.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Top and Bottom Photo: Childhood Sweethearts made a successful appearance with the largest graduation teddy wearing Steph's haute couture grad gown. And of course the flowers. These girls are angels! ♥
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Clockwise from Top Left: With Oscar before growing a moustache. | With Victor and Chaini, sweetest couple ever. | With Valyn, 1/10 of the Mass Comm princesses. | With Wen Wen, from a little boy to a handsome prince.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Thanks to filter apps we don't look so tan. 1/2 of Taiwan gang.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Underwater Squad, Ipoh friends and Taiwan gangs are all connected.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Taiwan gang and future engineers.
UCSI University Convocation Ceremony 2016
Left: Mickey Mouse pushing me away. | Right: Celebratory time with Suba Duba.
A big thanks to Steph and Abang for being my photographers of the day. Without the both of you I think I wouldn't have any photos to look back and laugh at in the future. Thank you to all my university friends who brought so much laughter and joy into this chapter of my life. Cannot wait to go through another phase of life with all of you! 😉


Special thanks to my Daddy who is currently roaming the world saving souls for encouraging me to take this course up in the first place because he believed I should be teaching English in different countries so that I can travel at the same time. Thank you for always believing in me and my dreams even though you find them absurd at times. From "Daddy, go where?" to "Daddy, where are you going?", thank you for being my English teacher. You were my dictionary, translator, copywriter, proofreader and a great teacher. Are you proud of me Daddy? I hope you are! I love you and I miss you 💖


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