Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

So I got to spend a weekend at Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson with my friends and it was a blast. However, I blame myself for not taking muc...

So I got to spend a weekend at Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson with my friends and it was a blast. However, I blame myself for not taking much more photos which I also blame on my habit of not being quick-minded to launch my phone camera into action every time I see something nice. Also, it has been a long time since I started writing for a blog so it never occurred to me that I needed nice photos for my blog. Note taken, will improve, and please, I need a god damn new phone.

Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson
Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

Aside from the brown and unpleasant looking sea water at our villas, we had a great first day as we were upgraded from the Executive Pool Villas to the Panorama Pool Villas due to some misunderstandings. In case you don't know how it feels like, it's like you are in 3rd grade but you are too genius for your class, so you get to jump to 5th grade. It definitely boosted all of our mood for the day until my boyfriend couldn't find his car keys which he suspected, dropped along the way of our journey to the room. Note that we went to our room on a buggy which took at least 5-10 minutes from the lobby but to find the keys we walked the whole stretch of bridge-pavement-whatever for a scorching hot 30 minutes.

But all is well after we managed to get the rest of them in the room to rummage the entire place and yes, we found the car keys so we can all go out for dinner, yas!

Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson
Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

Like I mentioned previously, I really regret not taking more photos, especially during the night where we all had a dip in the pool, downing beer, munching on unhealthy junk food and shooing away cockroaches. It was a crazy night especially for Abang because he did everything a drunk man would such as pouring curry soup on the carpet, damaging the room's toilet seat and much more but it's okay, very vulnerable and still lovable <3

The amazing thing was that we could still wake up early for breakfast even though he was so drunk the previous night and me, insufficient sleep due to the unwelcome visits of cockroaches tickling my feet in the middle of the night resulting in me sleeping on the armchair. Yes, I couldn't sleep and was awake 85% of the time. Never mind, point is we got to spend some time together without the rest, yas!

Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

I am very reluctant to have my photo taken but Abang loves to take photos. So everytime when he wants to take a photo of me, I will imagine I am the one and only supermodel Liu Wen who looks good in 158259253267 angles. That's the only way I can persuade myself even though it is really too much to think myself so highly. Confidence is the key and I've yet to find this key which I think is buried somewhere in this world...

After breakfast, I manage to sleep while the rest laughed like hyenas and spoke like loudspeakers as we waited for the buggy to come and fetch us to the lobby. It was a long wait due to the influx of people checking out on a Sunday. We then drove to the Port Dickson Waterfront to grab a nasty, cheese filled Domino's Pizza lunch before heading back to KL.

Short, relaxing and fun. I used to hate the idea of a weekend getaway because I prefer a 5-day holiday kind of thing. This was my first short weekend holiday and it wasn't so bad actually. Can't wait to go for the next short trip!

Port Dickson Waterfront

26.03.2016 - 27.03.2016

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